Day 57: What a Restaurant

São Paulo at NightEver since I returned from Rio two weeks ago, I’ve been fending off a little cold. Well, it unfortunately caught me last night and this is why I had no blog post then. So, I spent the greater portion of last night and today sleeping. Outside of sleep, I was still able to get a few very cool things done though! I took a final, worked on the start-up and managed to meet a mentor/former professor for dinner.

The final was for a course I really enjoyed this semester so it actually wasn’t too difficult. That final marks the final test for this initial module though and also the half-way point of the program! Can you believe it? I can’t. After coming home from the final and continuing my hibernation-like sleep until 3pm, I met up with Theo and got some work done for the business. We outlined some more personal goals we have for the program as well as some business model canvas work. Fun stuff, for me anyway.

Baby Beef Rubaiyat DessertAfter this, I walked over to meet my professor at a place called Baby Beef Rubaiyat. What a spectacular restaurant. So if you’ve known me for too many years, you know my whole foray into entrepreneurship was due to an old fantasy of opening an island themed bar and grill. Anyway, this has led me to notice lots of details in restaurants over the years. This place had style, real cow-hide leather seats, a great wine selection and some spectacular meats. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a special meal in the Jardins area. Also, my professor picked up the bill, which I cannot say how appreciative I am for as a student. Thanks Steve!

Well guys, there’s a giant entrepreneurship convention going on right now in São Paulo, which means I have to get up bright and early to attend. It should be a great deal with all sorts of folks present. I hope I see you there. Until tomorrow, good night!



Finalmente, um gripe que estava evitando para mais ou menos duas semanas, me pegou. Por causa disso, evitei fazer um post ontem à noite. Mas, hoje tem! Mais de um gripe, tive uma prova, trabalho e um reunião com um mentor hoje. Foi um dia bom.

A prova marca o fin de primeiro termo das aulas na FGV. Também, marca o meio do programa! Já, eu sei. Passou muito rápido para mi. Depois da prova, chegei em casa para dormir. Ainda o gripe está forte, mas essa soneca ajuda. Acordei para fazer trabalha com Theo. Fazemos algumas metas personais para o programa e tabmém um trabalho para a Tela de Modelo de Negócios.

Baby Beef Rubaiyat Dinner

Depois, fui para o jantar com meu professor e mentor, Steve Spruth. Ele é um homem muito bom para conhecer. Tem ideas progressivas e modernas para negócios. Reunimos no restaurante Baby Beef Rubaiyat. Esse foi um lugar bom. Tem comida mais deliciosa e vinho igualmente bom. Recomendo para pessoas no Jardins. Ele pagou também e sempre isso está bom para um estudante. Obrigado Steve!

Bem, tenho um programa de empreendedorismo amanha no São Paulo. Vai estar muito legal e se você pode, deve ir. Até amanha, tchau e boa noite!


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